Home > Smart Phones > When You Block Someone on iPhone What do They See

When You Block Someone on iPhone What do They See

When you block someone on an iPhone, what do they see? This is a question many iPhone users may have when it comes to blocking someone on their device. Blocking someone on an iPhone can have several implications, both for the person being blocked and the person doing the blocking. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of what happens when you block someone on an iPhone.

when you block someone on iphone what do they see

When you block someone on an iPhone, they are not explicitly notified that they have been blocked. However, there are some indications that can give them an idea. For instance, if the blocked person tries to call you, they will not be able to get through. Instead, they will typically hear a recorded message stating that the person they are trying to reach is unavailable. Additionally, their messages will not be delivered to your iPhone, and on the sender's end, it may appear as if the messages were sent, but you simply haven't responded.

Another aspect to consider is that when you block someone, your iPhone will automatically redirect any incoming calls from that person to voicemail. From the blocked person's perspective, it may seem like you never answer their calls or that your phone is constantly off. This can be frustrating for the person being blocked, as they may not understand why their calls are consistently going to voicemail.

When it comes to text messages, when you block someone on an iPhone, their messages will not be delivered to you. They will only see a "Delivered" status on their end, giving the illusion that the messages went through successfully. However, these messages will not appear on your iPhone, meaning you won't be bothered by their attempts to contact you.

Moreover, when someone is blocked on an iPhone, they will not be able to FaceTime with the person who blocked them. Any attempts to initiate a FaceTime call will simply fail or go unanswered. This can further create a sense of isolation and a lack of communication between the two parties.

In conclusion, when you block someone on an iPhone, they won't receive explicit notifications of being blocked. However, they may infer it through indications such as unavailable phone calls, messages not being delivered, and FaceTime calls failing. Blocking someone can have significant implications for both parties involved, potentially leading to frustration and a breakdown in communication. It is essential to consider these consequences before deciding to block someone on an iPhone.